“Who stands fast? Only the man whose final
standard is not his reason, his principles, his conscience, his freedom, or his
virtue, but who is ready to sacrifice all this when he is called to obedient
and responsible action in faith and in exclusive allegiance to God – the responsible
man, who tries to make his whole life an answer to the question and call of
God.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
After I read this, I wrote it down and read it often. Being in the NFL is a dream
come true for many and a memory that I will remember the rest of my life. Being part of 1 of 32 teams is an honor and
one that I never took for granted. Although it was great, something was missing
for me as if I had a void in my life. I
would evaluate players, write my reports, go to games, travel to private
workouts, but when we would begin talking about players and their backgrounds,
I was immediately drawn to their off the field issues more than I was their
ability to play football. Over and over
again the same information seemed to be present in their lives “Single parent
home. No father. This kid needs a man in his life. He doesn’t have anyone to
lead him. His role models are absent.” It spoke to my heart and the Lord
continued to speak throughout the year.
Our world is in need of men that will step up to the plate and take a
stand for their families. Our world is in need of a generation of men to rise
up and make a difference for the future. Kids have nobody to look up to these
days. If they do have someone to look up
to it’s usually a figure that isn’t a good one. It’s usually one that will lead
them down the wrong path. I want the youth of today to be able to look around
them and see men who act like men. I’ve seen too many kids make decisions that
changed their life forever because they lacked people in their life that could
help them. I desire for them to see men who love their wives. I desire for them
to see men who pursue, honor, and respect their wives. I desire to see men who
love their kids. I desire to see men who
spend time with their families and make them a priority. I desire to see men
that quit worrying so much about themselves and more about others. I desire to
see men that will say no to things that bring them instant gratification and
yes to things that will bring delayed satisfaction. I desire to see men that
are givers. I desire to see men that care more about others than themselves. I desire to see men that will seek help to
make their lives better which will make their families better. I desire to see men that will quit finding their identity in their jobs and find it in Christ. I desire to see men that won't sacrifice their family for a career. These are the
men I am looking for and the man I ultimately want to be. I want to see a
generation of men rise up and take back the streets. I want to see a generation
of men rise up and take back their homes. I want to see a generation of men
rise up and take back their relationships with their kids. I want to see a
generation of men rise up and take back the schools. I want to see a generation
of men rise up and take back neighborhoods. I want to see a generation of men
rise up and take back what has been stolen. I want to see a generation of men
rise up and take back the church. I want to see a generation of men rise up and
be who God has called them to be. I’ve seen enough boys to know that we have
plenty of them. The sad thing is many of those boys are grown men who haven’t
grown up yet. A lot of older men are chasing women, dreams, drugs, alcohol, and
other things that will NEVER bring ultimate satisfaction while their families
are suffering. Not only are their families suffering but they are suffering as
well. No matter who you are, where you come from, what you do, or what you
have, the Lord wants to use you and will use you if you will just say yes to
Him. You have a purpose. You matter. You’re life counts for more than just you.
You’re loved. You’re needed. You’re wanted. My heart’s desire as I leave the
NFL is to see the Lord change the hearts of men and bring them home. I want to
see divorced couples reunite. I want to see absent fathers become present. I
want to see those in bondage set free. I want to see broken families restored.
I want to see kids that others say are hopeless become something. I want to see
troubled youth change their life. I want to see lives changed. It all begins
within each of us. I know I serve the almighty God. I serve the One who is in
control of all things and able to do all things. To Him I cling and to Him I
look for restoration and redemption.
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a
child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”
1 Corinthians 13:11
I will be moving back to Mississippi to take a full time job
with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) on campus at Mississippi State. I
will be able to work with athletes and coaches, and I look forward to seeing
the Lord work. Is there something the Lord has been calling you to but you are
scared to say yes? I want to remind you that He is faithful. He provides. He
loves you and cares for you and wants to work in your life. Don’t let what
others say or don’t say hold you back. Don’t let your parents or anyone steer
your life for you. Say yes to Christ if He is speaking. When our lives are over
we will realize that one thing matters: What we did to impact or invest in the
life of another person. It’s not about you. Love God. Love people.
Join me on this journey.
This journey will be long and tough but full of hope and victory as long
as we keep Christ in the center. We fight battles on a daily basis. When it’s
all said and done may we all be able to say as Paul did:
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I
have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7
Make your life an answer to the question and call of God!
Keep fighting,