Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Take The Time, Tuesday

I want to start something called "Take The Time, Tuesday" and I hope you will join in with me and do it as well! Each Tuesday,  I want everyone to take the time to let people know how much you appreciate them, love them, or admire them.  Maybe it is a close friend, a neighbor, family member, a complete stranger, a co-worker, a boss, or someone else! I want you to take the time and let them know how much they mean to you, how much you appreciate them, or anything else you would like to take the time to say.  So many times, we get caught up in our busy lives and forget to let others know how we feel about them.  Maybe it is the garbage men that pick up your trash each week, or the custodial staff who cleans up after you, or somebody you work with that always has a smile on their face and it keeps you going! I don't know who the person is or what they have done for you, but "Take The Time" to tell them how you feel today! You never know the impact you will have!

Want to share YOUR story with Tyson or ask him a question? Email your story or question to asktyson@tysonplee.com.

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