Thursday, January 13, 2011


The forces that divide us are not as strong as the forces that unite us. - President Obama

Last night, I listened to President Obama speak at the memorial service in Tucson, Arizona.  His statement stirred something in me that I had to share with all who would listen.  What else is it going to take for the world to begin to unite together and begin to work together as one? Shootings, killings, theft, burglary, neglect, abuse, and many other negative acts seem to be entirely too prevalent in the world today.  When are we going to unite together and make a difference in our world?  We as Christians often talk about "how things need to change and how things should change", but we are never willing to be the ones that begin to make that change.  I want more people to step up and step out and begin making a difference in our world! If we continue to talk about things, rather than doing them, nothing will change and evil and violence will remain!  Unity can exist if we will allow it to.  Unity can exist if we will change our way of thinking. The forces that seem to be dividing the world today are minuscule in comparison to the forces that could bring the world together if we would all give it a try! Imagine a school, a city, a state, a country,  or a world that would unite together as one and begin to live life in unity! Would things be different? Would you be different? If so, begin taking steps toward unity today!

Psalm 133:1

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