Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tyson's 10

When I played football, I relied on the guys on my team every play of every game! There are 11 people on the football field at one time, and without the other 10 guys, I would not be able to do a thing.  The offensive line is the most important thing about an offense, and I know that more than most! Fans see the quarterback, running back, and wide receivers because they are the ones that are making the plays, but the offensive line is the glue that holds things together! In saying that, I want to thank all of my big boys that have ever blocked for me and let you know I couldn't do it without you.  As a result of understanding that it took 10 other guys to help me achieve my goals and pursue my dreams, I thought "Tyson's 10" would be something I started that let you know a little about me. The first one will be a list of the 10 people that have been most influential in my life thus far, outside of my family, because all of you know my mom is supreme to anyone! 

Tyson's 10 Most Influential People: 
1. Mr. Mike Bogue
2. Mr. Kent Walker
3. Dr. Chad Altmyer
4. Madison Walker
5. Brother Slater Murphy
6. Brother Sammy Crawford
7. Brother Mickey Dalrymple
8. Coach Woody McCorvey
9. Coach Matt Balis
10. Coach Sylvester Croom

Who has influenced you?

1 Peter 2:12

Want to share YOUR story with Tyson or ask him a question? Email your story or question to

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